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Amazon reward rates

7.00%Luxury Beauty
5.00%Furniture, home, home improvement, garden, pets products and pantry
4.00%Headphones, beauty, musical instruments, business supplies
3.00%Outdoors, tools
3.00%Digital music, physical music, handmade, digital videos
3.00%Physical books, health & personal care, sports, kitchen, auto, baby products
3.00%Amazon tablets, Amazon kindles, Amazon fashion, Apparel, Amazon cloud devices, Fire smart TV/devices, Amazon Echo devices, Ring devices, watches, jewellery, luggage, shoes, handbags and accessories
1.50%PC, PC components, DVD & Bluray
1.50%Televisions, digital video games
0.75%Physical video games and video game consoles
0.00%Gift cards, Digital Kindle products purchased as a subscription, Amazon appstore, Prime Now
3.00%All other categories